We have a guest contribution from Zvi Or-Bach, the President and CEO of MonolithIC 3D Inc.
The forthcoming IEEE S3S Conference 2015 ,Sonoma, CA, on October 5th thru 8th, will focus on key technologies for the IoT era. It is now accepted that the needs for the emerging IoT market are different from those which drive the high volume PC and Smart-Phone market. The following Gartner slide illustrates this industry bifurcation where traditional mass products follow the – ever more expensive – scaling curve, while IoT devices, with their focus on cost, power, flexibility and accessibility, will seek place near its minimum. |
For the IoT market the key enabling technologies are extreme low power, as enabled by SOI and sub-threshold design, integrating with multiple sensor technologies and communication technologies that ca be enabled by 3D integrations. All of these combined in forming the IEEE S3S unified conference.
This year conference includes many exciting papers and invited talks. It starts with three plenary talks:
- Gary Patton – CTO of Global Foundries: New Game Changing Product Applications Enabled by SOI
- Geoffrey Yeap – VP at Qualcomm.: The Past and Future of Extreme Low Power (xLP) SoC Transistor, embedded memory and backend technology
- Tsu-Jae King Liu – Chair of EE Division, Berkeley University: Sustaining the Silicon Revolution: From 3-D Transistors to 3-D Integration
Hence the coming IEEE S3S conference provides important opportunity to catch up and learn about these technologies.
Let me share with you some nuggets from the monolithic 3D integration part of the conference:
Prof. Joachin Burghartz of the Institute for Microelectronics Stuttgart will deliver an invited talk on “Ultra‐thin Chips for Flexible Electronics and 3D ICs” that will present a process technology to fabricate flexible devices 6-20 micron thin. This process flow is currently in manufacturing in their Stuttgart fab, as described below;
In his invited talk titled “Emerging 3DVLSI: Opportunities and Challenges” Dr. Yang Du will share with us Qualcomm views on monolithic 3D IC which they term 3DVLSI and could be illustrated by the following figure which seems very fitting for IoT applications
The conference includes many more interesting invited talks and papers covering the full spectrum of IoT enabling technologies. In addition, the conference offers short course on SOI application and monolithic 3D integration, and a fundamental class on low voltage logic.
New technologies are an important part of the future of semiconductor industry, and a conference like the S3S would be a golden opportunity to step away for a moment from the silicon valley, and learn about non-silicon and silicon options that promise to shape the future.